Cenegenics is a concierge healthcare and wellness alternative that bases its care for clients on extensive testing and personalized service. The ask from Cenegenics was to reimage and refresh their brand, starting with their logo and wordmark.

Through a deep dive into what they do, we gravitated towards the idea that their premium service could be represented by a faceted gemstone, and naturally, that gem would take the shape of a blood drop, from which so much health information can be learned.

As many things happen these days, a social idea or campaign gets repurposed into a print execution. I created the spread ad above for a luxury publication with the only assets available - a tight, vertical iPhone photo and my limited skills as a retoucher.

We coordinated a short day shoot in Dallas where a performance coach and client were meeting. From two interviews, breaks in between, and the ability to document some testing procedures we captured a wealth of fresh content, both video and stills. With great planning and initiative, we supplied the client with content to repurpose far into the future.